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February 13, 2023 2 min read

Tomorrow is Valentine's day, a time to celebrate love and affection,

A day to spread joy, happiness, and give a warm reflection,

It's a time to cherish relationships, be it with a friend or spouse,

To express feelings and emotions, and show them they're the one that matters most.


People rush to the stores, buying gifts to express their care,

Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, anything to show they're always there,

Some plan a candlelit dinner, a picnic in the park,

Others prefer to stay at home, just the two of them, no need for a spark.


No matter what you choose, the key is to make it special,

To create memories that will last, to show love is essential,

It's not about the gifts, or the grand gestures of the day,

It's about being present, showing love in your own unique way.


So let us embrace tomorrow, with love in our hearts and smiles on our face,

To celebrate the bond that we share, and embrace each other's embrace,

Let's forget our worries and troubles, and focus on what truly matters,

The love we share, the memories we create, and the joy that love gathers.


Let us make the most of this day, and let love be our guide,

To bring us together, and make our relationships stronger, side by side,

For love is a beautiful thing, and should be celebrated every day,

But on Valentine's day, let us go the extra mile, and show it in every way.


So here's to tomorrow, to love and to life,

May we always cherish each other, through joy and through strife,

And may we always remember, the love that we share,

For tomorrow is Valentine's day, and love is always in the air!

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